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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Proverbs and Their Meanings

1. One flower makes no garland - A single person cannot be powerful.
2. Waste not want not - Do not waste, be frugal.
3. Pen is mightier than the sword - Words can be more powerful than the wars.
4. To err in human - No one is perfect.
5. Haste makes waste - Hurry makes worry.
6. United we stand, divided we fall - Union is strength.
7. Work is worship - Be conscious of your duty.
8. Truth alone triumphs - Always speak the truth.
9. Blood is thicker than water - Your relatives are more interested in you.
10. Covet all, lose all - Do not be over ambitious.
11. All that glitters is not gold - Do not be misguided by appearances.
12. As you sow as you reap - Accept the result of your actions.
13. Look before you leap - Think well before taking any action.
14. Make hay while the sun shines - Act in the right time.
15. Too many cooks spoil the broth - A work should not be entrusted to many people.
16. Birds of the same feather flock together - Like minded persons always help one another.
17. Better late than never - Even if delayed attend the meeting.
18. No pain, no gain - One cannot succeed without hard work.
19. Seeing is believing - Do not believe in rumours.
20. Strike while the iron is hot - Make use of every opportunity.
21. Honesty is the best policy - Always speak the truth.
22. Empty vessels make much noise - People who talk more will achieve nothing.
23. Many a drop makes an ocean - Small saving makes one rich.
24. Manners maketh a man - You should learn good manners.
25. Even Homer sometimes nods - Even perfect people fail some time.
26. Reading makes a perfect man - Try to read as much as possible.
27. Borrowed garments never fit well - Don’t imitate others.
28. Rome was not built in a day - Nothing can be achieved at once.
29. Brevity is the soul of wit - Be short while speaking and writing.
30. Where there is a will, there is a way - Strong will power is needed to achieve anything.
31. Health is wealth - Take care of your health.

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