, pub-9220471781781135, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to speak English: September 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

Prefixes and their numbers

Semi, hemi, demi ----------------------- ½
Uni , mono -------------------------------- 1
Bi, di ---------------------------------------- 2
Tri, ------------------------------------------ 3
Tetra, quadri ----------------------------- 4
Pent, penta, quint ---------------------- 5
Sex, hex, hexa --------------------------- 6
Hept, hepta, sept, septi, septam ---- 7
Oct, octa, octo --------------------------- 8
Non, nona -------------------------------- 9
Dec, deca --------------------------------- 10

Atto ---------------------------------- 0.000000000000000001
Femto -------------------------------- 0.000000000000001
Pico ---------------------------------- 0.000000000001
Nano --------------------------------- 0.000000001
Micro -------------------------------- 0.000001
Milli --------------------------------- 0.001
Centi -------------------------------- 0.01
Deci --------------------------------- 0.1
Uni, Mono -------------------------- 1

Dec, deca –-------------------------- 10
Hect, hector ------------------------ 100
Kilo --------------------------------- 1000
Mega ------------------------------- 1000000
Giga -------------------------------- 1000000000
Tera -------------------------------- 1000000000000

Summary of Paradise Lost Book 4 by John Milton

Satan lands atop Mount Niphates, just north of Paradise, the Garden of Eden. He becomes gripped with doubt about the task in front of him; s...