, pub-9220471781781135, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to speak English: English the funniest language

Monday, November 8, 2010

English the funniest language

 We will begin with BOX and the plural is BOXES.
But the plural OX should be OXEN and not OXES.
Then one fowl is GOOSE but two are GEESE.
Yet the plural of MOUSE should never be MEESE.
You may find a lone MOUSE or a whole set of MICE.
But the plural of HOUSE is HOUSES not HICE.
If plural of MAN be always MEN
Why shouldn’t the plural for PAN be PEN?
If I speak of a FOOT and then you show me your FEET.
And I give a BOOT, would a pair be called BEET?
If one is TOOTH and a whole set are TEETH,
Why shouldn’t the plural of BOOTH be BEETH?
The one may be THAT and three may be THOSE.
Yet HAT in the plural would never be HOSE.
And the plural CAT is CATS not COSE.
We speak of BROTHER and also BRETHEREN.
But though we say MOTHER we never say MOTHEREN.
Then the masculine pronouns are HE, HIS and HIM
But imagine the feminine SHE, SHIS and SHIM!!
So English, I fancy, you will agree
Is the
FUNNIEST LANGUAGE you ever did see!
                              - Leo Angela Rupert

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